Friday, December 9, 2011

Memo from Tadpole

Dear Daddy,

As you are aware, for the past couple of days I have been standing by myself (while holding on tightly to things for stability), and sometimes have leaned and taken a few steps.  This is very exciting for me, so I know declare myself an Independent Explor-A-Baby.  In my new status, there will be some changes:

First, I do not like sitting, since I can't stand by myself from a sit yet.  So you will carry me or help me stand.  I will indicate if you are doing the wrong thing by fussing.

Second, the toys I have been playing with are suitable for small babies but not Independent Explor-A-Babies.  So we will need to find new toys to play with.  This may include things previously off limits such as your glasses.

Third, Independent Explor-A-Babies do not eat or sleep.  We are much too interested in the world.  Please disregard all previous routines and do not attempt to calm me or give me a bottle.  This will be rejected.

Finally, I reserve the right at any time to stop being an Independent Explor-A-Baby.  I suggest you pay close attention for this moment, as I will likely be very hungry and sleepy.  In fact, if you time this right, I will fall immediately asleep without fussing and you can breathe a big sigh of relief.  Don't get comfortable ;)
