Monday, October 24, 2011

If be a Stay at Home Dad would ye, then you must learn these Lessons Three

Apologies for the mangling of Monty Python above.

Nevertheless after week 2 / day 1 with Tadpole, I did indeed come away with three important lessons for any stay at home dad.*
(* - may also apply to parents generally)

1 - The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft agley (Or - babies' schedules aren't exactly predictable)
I had a great plan for the day.  Tadpole and I were going to check out the Shedd Aquarium after the first nap.  A nice walk, lunch out (a big deal!), then we check out the creatures (including Jellyfish - about which more anon), before coming home.  This plan was predicated on Tadpole's general sleep schedule - go down between 9:30 - 10:00 for somewhere between 40 minutes and and hour and a half.  Of course, today she woke up after about 50 minutes with a scream.  I managed to calm her down, but in the process she fell asleep ... on my shoulder ... for another 2 hours.
The sleep was charming, of course, but when Tadpole woke up at 12:45, a few plans had to change.  No trip to the Shedd, but we did take a walk out to the local park and swing on the swings.

And so I learned lesson 2 - A baby's interest in a thing is inversely proportional to what you want it to be
I haven't spent as much time playing with Tadpole as I'd like - there's been a distinct lack of tummy-time, push-ups and other exercise.  So I figured that today, in addition to a walk and some swings, Tadpole and I would enjoy the beautiful warm autumn day by playing outside.  I brought along Tadpole's play blanket along with some of her favorite toys.
I'm sure you can guess how this went.  Tadpole had no interest in the Sophie giraffe, or in practicing her sitting.  Or really, anything other than grabbing for dirt, grass and dry leaves.  We'll be practicing our activity time inside from now on!

Finally lesson 3 - Pics or it didn't happen!
Tadpole and I went for a walk today.  We stopped and played on the swings for a while.  Tadpole got to watch another baby out with her mommy and look at the dogs.  And I didn't get pictures of any of it, which also means none for the blog.  I have an iPhone ... time to take pictures in these situations!

p.s. - Did I mention that later we came back from the doctor's office on the Red Line during rush hour?  Because we did.  And I'm feeling pretty good about that.  Way to be dad!

1 comment:

  1. More pictures. Also, I can't imagine a baby being interested in playing with the nice sanitary toys she has access to at home, when there are sticks to nom on....
